If you love animals and have some time to give, Volunteer Today!
Save-A-Life always needs pet-loving volunteers. It is our volunteers who have kept us going for over 50 years.

Dog Walker/Holder



Phone Calls

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Become a Volunteer and join us!
Please complete the form below to volunteer with Save-A-Life.
Volunteer Application

About Fostering...
Save-A-Life does not operate a shelter. All of our pets are in foster homes. We believe that having the pets in homes provides them with a more secure and loving environment for them to begin to thrive after coming from animal control. The more foster homes we have, the more animals that can be saved. Fostering a homeless animal is a very rewarding endeavor. Save-A-Life provides food for the foster pet and pays for all required veterinary care via Save-A-Life’s approved veterinarians. The foster parent must be responsible for getting the foster pet to veterinary appointments and also to the mobile adoptions at PetSmart so the public can meet the foster pet in person. If you think you are ready to open your heart and home to foster a homeless pet, please complete a Volunteer Application either online or bring one to our mobile adoption at PetSmart on Saturday!